Welcome to The Healing Place SC online experience! Our church is a place where families come together to blend faith, creativity, and community, embracing everyone with God’s love. Join us on the first and third Sundays at 3 p.m. for a worship experience that beautifully combines traditional and contemporary elements, powerful worship, and life-changing teaching. Whether your family is familiar with church or new to it, you’ll find a safe haven here. Be inspired, challenged, and transformed. WELCOME HOME!
Connection Opportunities
RECHARGE Bible Study 7pm ESTZoom
Midweek Manna Prayer7:30am ESTFacebook, Youtube and Instagram Live
THP Friday Prayer6am ESTPhone: +1 (848) 777-1500, Access code: 029-210

The Healing Place of South Carolina, I thank God for you and the role you’ve played in my life. You’ve been a friend, an encouragement, a mentor, and a blessing in times of need. God has used you in amazing ways, not only for me but for my family. Digging Deep and Reaching Out; we dug into God’s Word, then reached out with God’s Word, also building on God’s Word, and I pray that The Healing Place continues to experience the richness of God as you continue to carry out the mission of the Gospel of Christ.
In April of 2023, the adversary was hard at work, seeking to destroy the life I had worked so hard to build. I had uprooted my family, moved from my home state of VA to SC behind a job opportunity that then folded. I was terminated. The core of my foundation had been rocked. I leaned into the word and felt a strong calling to find a church family that could guide me through these difficult times. As I scrolled Facebook one day, the Healing Place-SC came across my feed. I began logging into Bible studies and listening to early morning prayers on Wednesdays. I believe nothing is by happenstance. God was behind my introduction to the Healing Place. I am grateful for Pastor Baker and the Healing Place-SC family. It is the faith shared amongst believers that has encouraged me throughout this transitional period.
THP has changed my perspective on prayer. That which was once seen as a check list item, has now become a desire. I’m learning to delight in the privilege of being able to come to God at any given moment, and He never grows tired of me.When it comes to prayer, “don’t forfeit the privilege” is what Holy Spirit has given me as a reminder. Thank you, Pastor Kris for teaching that “a house of prayer” doesn’t just apply to a local place, but I too am a house of prayer.